Foraging Fling Chew Toy (Natural)
Foraging Fling Chew Toy (Natural)
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Foraging Fling Chew Toy can be flung around and chewed on and is filled with a delicious and sweet surprise in the seagrass cup!
Made with all natural ingredients so no added fruit/veggie juice! This makes it great for baby bunnies and also bunnies with sensitive stomachs to fruits/veggies!
This chew toy is the perfect thing for your pet to toss, nibble and play with! It is suitable for all small pets such as rabbits, hamsters, and guinea pigs!
- seagrass rope
- soft sola stars
- cardboard
- seagrass cup and lid
- vine ball
Inside the foraging cup: calendula, hibiscus, raspberry leaves
Always give under supervision. If the toy is new to them it should be introduced in moderate amounts.